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Descendants of Crinan The Thane Abbot
Generation 1 - 10
Generation 11 - 20
Generation 21 - 25
Generation 26 - 30
Generation 31 - 34
Generation No. 1
1. Crinan The Thane1 Abbot was born WFT Est. 941-983, and died 1045. He married
Bethoc WFT Est.
966-1019, daughter of King Malcolm II.
Children of Crinan Abbot and Bethoc are:
+ 2 i. Lord2 Maldred, born WFT Est. 970-1023; died WFT Est. 1002-1100.
+ 3 ii. Duncan I, born WFT Est. 980-1009; died 1040 in Scotland.
Generation No. 2
2. Lord2 Maldred (Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 970-1023, and died
WFT Est.
1002-1100. He married Ealdgyth WFT Est. 993-1057, daughter of Uchtred Earl and
Child of Lord Maldred and Ealdgyth is:
+ 4 i. Malred3, born WFT Est. 1002-1073; died WFT Est. 1051-1148.
3. Duncan2 I (Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 980-1009, and died 1040
in Scotland. He
married Sybil WFT Est. 1006-1037 in Scotland.
Child of Duncan and Sybil is:
+ 5 i. King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, born 1031 in Scotland; died November 13, 1093
in Scotland.
Generation No. 3
4. Malred3 (Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1002-1073,
and died WFT
Est. 1051-1148.
Child of Malred is:
+ 6 i. Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred, born WFT Est. 1051-1105; died WFT Est. 1089-1183.
5. King Of Scots3 Malcolm III (Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born 1031
in Scotland, and
died November 13, 1093 in Scotland. He married St. Margaret Atheling WFT Est.
1057-1083, daughter
of Prince Edward and Agatha Hungary.
Child of King Malcolm and St. Atheling is:
+ 7 i. Of Scotland4 Matilda, born 1079 in Scotland; died May 01, 1118.
Generation No. 4
6. Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred (Malred3, Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was
born WFT Est.
1051-1105, and died WFT Est. 1089-1183.
Child of Uchtred Fitz Maldred is:
+ 8 i. Lord Dolfin Fitz5 Uchtred, born WFT Est. 1089-1132; died WFT Est.
7. Of Scotland4 Matilda (King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The
Thane1 Abbot) was born
1079 in Scotland, and died May 01, 1118. She married King Of England Henry I
November 11, 1100 in
Westminister Abbey, son of (The William and Matilda Flanders.
Child of Of Matilda and King Henry is:
+ 9 i. Empress5 Matilda, born 1102 in England; died January 30, 1162/63 in
Generation No. 5
8. Lord Dolfin Fitz5 Uchtred (Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred, Malred3, Lord2 Maldred,
Crinan The Thane1
Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1089-1132, and died WFT Est. 1129-1213.
Child of Lord Dolfin Fitz Uchtred is:
+ 10 i. Patric Fitz6 Dolfin , Sir, born WFT Est. 1129-1158; died WFT Est.
9. Empress5 Matilda (Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan
The Thane1 Abbot)
was born 1102 in England, and died January 30, 1162/63 in England. She married
Comte d' Anjou
Goefreey V April 03, 1127, son of King Fulk and Ermengarde.
Child of Empress Matilda and Comte Goefreey is:
+ 11 i. King Of England6 Henry II, born March 25, 1133 in Lemans, France; died
July 06, 1189 in
Chinton, England.
Generation No. 6
10. Patric Fitz6 Dolfin , Sir (Lord Dolfin Fitz5 Uchtred, Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred,
Malred3, Lord2 Maldred,
Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1129-1158, and died WFT Est.
Child of Patric Fitz Dolfin , Sir is:
+ 12 i. William7 De Washington, born Abt. 1180; died WFT Est. 1199-1270.
11. King Of England6 Henry II (Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III, Duncan2
I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born March 25, 1133 in Lemans, France, and died
July 06, 1189 in
Chinton, England. He married (1) Eleanor Of Aquitaine WFT Est. 1145-1176,
daughter of Duc De
Guienne William VIII. He married (2) Aliz De Porhoet WFT Est. 1150-1178.
Children of King Henry and Eleanor Aquitaine are:
+ 13 i. King Of England7 John, born December 24, 1167 in Oxford, England; died
October 19, 1216 in
Newark Castle, England.
14 ii. King Of England Richard I, born 1199; died September 1157.
Child of King Henry and Aliz De Porhoet is:
+ 15 i. William7 De Longespee , Earl Of Salisbury, born WFT Est. 1154-1182; died
WFT Est. 1179-1261.
Generation No. 7
12. William7 De Washington (Patric Fitz6 Dolfin , Sir, Lord Dolfin Fitz5 Uchtred,
Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred,
Malred3, Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born Abt. 1180, and died
WFT Est.
Child of William De Washington is:
+ 16 i. William8 De Washington, born WFT Est. 1194-1200; died 1239.
13. King Of England7 John (King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of
Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born December 24,
1167 in Oxford,
England, and died October 19, 1216 in Newark Castle, England. He married (1)
Isabel De Tailefer WFT
Est. 1184-1210, daughter of Aymer De Tailefer 'The Sordmaker'. He married (2) De
Warren WFT Est.
Child of King John and Isabel De Tailefer is:
+ 17 i. King Of England8 Henry III, born October 01, 1206 in Winchester,
England; died November 16,
1272 in St. Edmundsbury, England.
Child of King John and De Warren is:
+ 18 i. Richard8 FitzRoy, born WFT Est. 1188-1214; died WFT Est. 1213-1294.
15. William7 De Longespee , Earl Of Salisbury (King Of England6 Henry II,
Empress5 Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was
born WFT Est.
1154-1182, and died WFT Est. 1179-1261. He married Countess Of Salisbury Ela WFT
Est. 1174-1218.
Child of William De Longespee and Countess Ela is:
+ 19 i. Stephen8 De Longespee, born WFT Est. 1179-1221; died WFT Est. 1205-1297.
Generation No. 8
16. William8 De Washington (William7, Patric Fitz6 Dolfin , Sir, Lord Dolfin
Fitz5 Uchtred, Uchtred
Fitz4 Maldred, Malred3, Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT
Est. 1194-1200, and
died 1239. He married Alice De Lexington 1211.
Child of William De Washington and Alice De Lexington is:
+ 20 i. Walter9 De Washington , Sir, born 1212; died May 14, 1264.
17. King Of England8 Henry III (King Of England7 John, King Of England6 Henry
II, Empress5 Matilda,
Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot)
was born October 01,
1206 in Winchester, England, and died November 16, 1272 in St. Edmundsbury,
England. He married
Eleanor Of Provence January 14, 1234/35 in Canterbury, England, daughter of
Raymond Berengar
and Beatrix Savoy.
Children of King Henry and Eleanor Provence are:
+ 21 i. King Of England9 Edward I, born June 17, 1239 in Westminster, England;
died July 07, 1307 in
Burgh-on-the-Sands, Carlisle.
+ 22 ii. Edmund Plantaganet, born 1244; died 1296.
18. Richard8 FitzRoy (King Of England7 John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5
Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was
born WFT Est.
1188-1214, and died WFT Est. 1213-1294. He married Rohese Of Dover WFT Est.
Child of Richard FitzRoy and Rohese Dover is:
+ 23 i. Lorette9 De Dover, born WFT Est. 1213-1253; died WFT Est. 1236-1333.
19. Stephen8 De Longespee (William7, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5
Matilda, Of Scotland4,
King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT
Est. 1179-1221, and
died WFT Est. 1205-1297. He married Emmeline De Riddleford WFT Est. 1200-1255.
Children of Stephen De Longespee and Emmeline De Riddleford are:
+ 24 i. Emmeline9 De Longespee, born WFT Est. 1205-1258; died WFT Est.
+ 25 ii. Ela De Longespee, born WFT Est. 1205-1258; died WFT Est. 1230-1336.
Generation No. 9
20. Walter9 De Washington , Sir (William8, William7, Patric Fitz6 Dolfin , Sir,
Lord Dolfin Fitz5 Uchtred,
Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred, Malred3, Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born
1212, and died
May 14, 1264. He married Joan De Whitchester WFT Est. 1229-1255.
Child of Walter De Washington and Joan De Whitchester is:
+ 26 i. William10 De Washington , Sir, born WFT Est. 1233-1260; died Abt. 1288.
21. King Of England9 Edward I (King Of England8 Henry III, King Of England7
John, King Of
England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan
The Thane1 Abbot) was born June 17, 1239 in Westminster, England, and died July
07, 1307 in
Burgh-on-the-Sands, Carlisle. He married (1) Margaret Phillip WFT Est.
1256-1287, daughter of Phillip
III. He married (2) Eleanore Ferdinand October 13, 1254 in Abbey of Las Huedgas,
Burgos, Castile,
daughter of King Of Castile St. Ferdinard III.
Child of King Edward and Margaret Phillip is:
+ 27 i. Edmund10 Plantaganet , Earl Of Kent, born WFT Est. 1261-1308; died 1330.
Children of King Edward and Eleanore Ferdinand are:
28 i. Alfonso10 Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1267-1366.
29 ii. Alice Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
30 iii. Berengaria Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est.
31 iv. Bertrica Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
32 v. Blanche Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
+ 33 vi. Elizabeth Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est.
34 vii. Henry Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1267-1366.
35 viii. Isabella Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
36 ix. John Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1267-1366.
37 x. Juliana Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
38 xi. Margaret Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
39 xii. Mary Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1261-1285; died WFT Est. 1266-1369.
40 xiii. Eleanor Plantagenet, born June 17, 1264; died WFT Est. 1265-1358.
41 xiv. Joan Plantagenet, born 1265; died WFT Est. 1266-1359.
+ 42 xv. Joan Plantagenet, born 1272 in Acre; died April 23, 1307.
+ 43 xvi. King Of England Edward II, born April 25, 1284; died September 21,
1327 in Beckeley,
22. Edmund9 Plantaganet (King Of England8 Henry III, King Of England7 John, King
Of England6
Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I,
Crinan The Thane1
Abbot) was born 1244, and died 1296. He married Blanche WFT Est. 1261-1287.
Child of Edmund Plantaganet and Blanche is:
+ 44 i. Henry10 Plantagenet , Earl, born WFT Est. 1265-1292; died 1345.
23. Lorette9 De Dover (Richard8 FitzRoy, King Of England7 John, King Of England6
Henry II,
Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan
The Thane1 Abbot)
was born WFT Est. 1213-1253, and died WFT Est. 1236-1333. She married William
Marmion , Sir WFT
Est. 1230-1284.
Child of Lorette De Dover and William Marmion is:
+ 45 i. John10 Marmion , 1St Baron Marmion, born WFT Est. 1236-1285; died WFT
Est. 1264-1361.
24. Emmeline9 De Longespee (Stephen8, William7, King Of England6 Henry II,
Empress5 Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was
born WFT Est.
1205-1258, and died WFT Est. 1230-1336. She married Thomas De Clare WFT Est.
Child of Emmeline De Longespee and Thomas De Clare is:
+ 46 i. Margaret10 De Clare, born WFT Est. 1230-1289; died WFT Est. 1255-1366.
25. Ela9 De Longespee (Stephen8, William7, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5
Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was
born WFT Est.
1205-1258, and died WFT Est. 1230-1336. She married Roger La Zouche , Sir WFT
Est. 1224-1287.
Child of Ela De Longespee and Roger La Zouche is:
+ 47 i. Alan10 La Zouche , 1St Baron Zouche Of Ashby, born WFT Est. 1230-1289;
died WFT Est.
Generation No. 10
26. William10 De Washington , Sir (Walter9, William8, William7, Patric Fitz6
Dolfin , Sir, Lord Dolfin
Fitz5 Uchtred, Uchtred Fitz4 Maldred, Malred3, Lord2 Maldred, Crinan The Thane1
Abbot) was born
WFT Est. 1233-1260, and died Abt. 1288. He married Margaret De Morville WFT Est.
daughter of Sir Robert De Morville.
Child of William De Washington and Margaret De Morville is:
+ 48 i. Robert11 De Washington, born WFT Est. 1257-1288; died 1324.
27. Edmund10 Plantaganet , Earl Of Kent (King Of England9 Edward I, King Of
England8 Henry III,
King Of England7 John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of
Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1261-1308,
and died 1330. He
married Margaret Wake WFT Est. 1283-1329, daughter of John Lord Wake.
Child of Edmund Plantaganet and Margaret Wake is:
+ 49 i. Joan11 Plantaganet, born 1385; died WFT Est. 1401-1479.
33. Elizabeth10 Plantagenet (King Of England9 Edward I, King Of England8 Henry
III, King Of
England7 John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King
Of Scots3 Malcolm
III, Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1261-1285, and died
WFT Est. 1283-1369.
She married Humphrey De Bohun , 4Th Earl Of Essex WFT Est. 1277-1314.
Children of Elizabeth Plantagenet and Humphrey De Bohun are:
+ 50 i. William11 De Bohun, born WFT Est. 1283-1317; died WFT Est. 1309-1396.
+ 51 ii. Margaret De Bohum, born WFT Est. 1283-1317; died WFT Est. 1306-1399.
42. Joan10 Plantagenet (King Of England9 Edward I, King Of England8 Henry III,
King Of England7
John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born 1272 in Acre, and died April 23,
1307. She married
Gilbert De Clare , 3Rd Earl Of Gloucester April 30, 1290 in Westminister Abbey,
son of Richard De
Clare and Maud De Lacy.
Children of Joan Plantagenet and Gilbert De Clare are:
+ 52 i. Margaret11 De Clare, born 1292; died April 13, 1342.
53 ii. Gilbert De Clare, born 1291; died 1314.
+ 54 iii. Eleanor De Clare, born 1292; died 1337.
55 iv. Elizabeth De Clare, born 1295; died 1360.
43. King Of England10 Edward II (King Of England9, King Of England8 Henry III,
King Of England7
John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born April 25, 1284, and died September
21, 1327 in
Beckeley, England.
Children of King Of England Edward II are:
+ 56 i. King Of England11 Edward III, born November 13, 1312; died June 21, 1377
in Shene, England.
57 ii. Earl Of Cornwall John, born 1327; died 1336.
58 iii. Joan, born WFT Est. 1305-1327; died WFT Est. 1310-1412.
59 iv. Eleanor, born WFT Est. 1305-1327; died WFT Est. 1310-1412.
44. Henry10 Plantagenet , Earl (Edmund9 Plantaganet, King Of England8 Henry III,
King Of England7
John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1265-1292, and died 1345.
He married Maud
Chaworth WFT Est. 1285-1318, daughter of Patrick Chaworth and Isabel Beauchamp.
Child of Henry Plantagenet and Maud Chaworth is:
+ 60 i. Eleanor11 Plantagenet, born WFT Est. 1302-1318; died 1372.
45. John10 Marmion , 1St Baron Marmion (Lorette9 De Dover, Richard8 FitzRoy,
King Of England7
John, King Of England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3
Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1236-1285, and died WFT
Est. 1264-1361.
He married Isabel (Marmion) WFT Est. 1258-1318.
Child of John Marmion and Isabel (Marmion) is:
+ 61 i. John11 Marmion , 2Nd Baron Marmion, born WFT Est. 1264-1322; died WFT
Est. 1292-1396.
46. Margaret10 De Clare (Emmeline9 De Longespee, Stephen8, William7, King Of
England6 Henry II,
Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III, Duncan2 I, Crinan
The Thane1 Abbot)
was born WFT Est. 1230-1289, and died WFT Est. 1255-1366. She married
Bartholomew Badlesmere ,
1St Baron Badlesmere WFT Est. 1249-1317.
Child of Margaret De Clare and Bartholomew Badlesmere is:
+ 62 i. Margaret11 Badlesmere, born WFT Est. 1255-1319; died WFT Est. 1280-1395.
47. Alan10 La Zouche , 1St Baron Zouche Of Ashby (Ela9 De Longespee, Stephen8,
William7, King Of
England6 Henry II, Empress5 Matilda, Of Scotland4, King Of Scots3 Malcolm III,
Duncan2 I, Crinan
The Thane1 Abbot) was born WFT Est. 1230-1289, and died WFT Est. 1258-1363. He
married Eleanor
De Segrave WFT Est. 1252-1321.
Child of Alan La Zouche and Eleanor De Segrave is:
+ 63 i. Maud11 La Zouche, born WFT Est. 1258-1325; died WFT Est. 1283-1401.

This page was last updated on 08/16/08.
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